You are reading this sentence. Great job! If you haven't admired the pretty artwork bordering this page, I strongly recommend looking at it. You might even find that there is more meaningful content in moon phases then there is in this text.
If you are wondering who I am, great! That means you don't know who I am, which is a luxury I plan to continue enjoying.
If you are wondering about the quality of my content, fantastic! Being observant of your content intake is a wise decision. I believe I make reasonably good content as a solo developer. Everything in my games is created by me, as I have an irrational fear of copyright. I am sure this degrades my quality, but I hope my continuous effort to improve counter-balances this phobia.
If you are trying to figure out what you are supposed to put on your profile page, then I have little advice to give you. I have confidence that you can come up with something that others will like. Maybe they will like your text better than people like my moon phases, though I know that that may be setting the bar too high.
If you are someone who already knows who I am, hello! Nice of you to look at my life's work! ... ... Well... That was about it. I guess you can continue on your existence.
If I have not described the reason you are here, please check out one of my games and tell me your reason with any critiques on my game that you may have! Here, you can pick one from the side of the screen: